Already Trained? -Next Steps


Whether you have taken the Connections Matter training or not (although we recommend you do), here are some essential resources regarding preventing and mitigating early childhood trauma.

Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs)

Research shows that having Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs), causes unhealthy levels of stress, which if frequent and prolonged, can dramatically change how the brain develops and increase the risk of health and social problems throughout a lifetime.

Easy to Share Fact Sheets


Research and Data


Stay Connected with Others Interested in ACEs

  • Connect and learn about ACEs by joining the Georgia PACEs Connection community, an action-based, social network of professionals and community members sharing resources, best practices and success stories.


Available Online Training and Webinars on ACEs


Protective Factors

Whenever we talk about Adverse Childhood Experiences, it is equally important that we talk about protective factors. Protective Factors are what helps children and families thrive despite whatever risk factors they might face. We are more likely to prevent Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) by building protective factors in families and communities rather than by altering the risk factors. Helping parents build protective factors can lead to positive long-term outcomes for them and their children. The protective factor framework is led by Strengthening Families Georgia


Resilience– the ability to bounce back or push through 


Social Connections- having networks of emotionally supportive friends, family, and neighbors


Concrete Supports in Times of Need- knowing where to turn to for help

  • 1-800-CHILDREN (1-800-244-5373) is a free statewide helpline that connects parents, caregivers, and professionals with the help they need wherever they live in Georgia. Callers speak with a trained resource navigators who care and want to help! You can also search for supportive resources statewide by going to


Social and Emotional Competence- learning to talk about and handle feelings


Knowledge of Parenting and Child Development- knowing how children learn and grow


Additional resources for implementing protective factors

Brain Development

Brains are shaped by our experiences throughout our lifetime, both positive and negative.  Research reveals that positive experiences that shape early brain development are crucial for healthy outcomes; however, high and prolonged levels of stress can negatively impact that building process. Understanding brain development throughout the lifespan can help us promote healthy development and outcomes.


Brain Development and Trauma Factsheets


Epignetics, the Generational Biological Impact

Trauma-Informed Care

The Impact of Trauma


Trauma-Informed Care


Strategies for Those Impacted by Trauma


Trauma Resources by Sector


Childhood Trauma and Other Cultures




Read About Everyday Examples of Why Connections Matter!  

We Dine Together in Henry County

The Lunch Time video in Connections Matter is a fan favorite, seeing high school students come together to ensure nobody feels alone. We all can relate to feeling like an outsider. We Dine Together is student-led and made up of schools all over the country who are working to create a more inclusive environment. Members of the club search for […]

“How are you feeling today?”

Mrs. Coker, a 4th grade teacher in Lumpkin County, starts every day by having her students complete a morning sign-in. The students are asked, “How are you feeling today?” If the students choose sad, angry, or nervous, they are asked to tell their teacher why they are feeling this way. Mrs. Coker uses this information to help her students solve […]