We Dine Together in Henry County
The Lunch Time video in Connections Matter is a fan favorite, seeing high school students come together to ensure nobody feels alone. We all can relate to feeling like an outsider. We Dine Together is student-led and made up of schools all over the country who are working to create a more inclusive environment.
Members of the club search for those who are eating lunch alone and make sure they are accompanied and heard. At least one We Dine Together member is present at every lunch, sitting in the main cafeteria. They invite those who are eating alone to join them at a group table or place students who generally sit alone together. Students end up making new connections and are happy to eat lunch with their new friends.
Several schools in Georgia have started a We Dine Together club, including Stockbridge High School and North Cobb High School. To learn more about We Dine Together or to start a chapter at your school, visit https://www.wedinetogether.org/.